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HOME >> Cara Mitchell Author Bio and Books>>
Cara Mitchell
Originally trained as an archaeologist and concert pianist, Cara Mitchel discovered her fascination with artifacts eclipsed by a love of cultures and the impossibility of making a career playing Beethoven exclusively. She has worked as a scuba instructor, horse packer, researcher, diplomat, cultural practitioner and wine importer.
At a time when women’s liberation was just gaining ground, she discovered the courage to explore her submissive nature, ultimately realizing that being truly liberated means having the choice to become who you desire.
A resident on a tropical island, Ms. Mitchell considers herself a citizen of the world and has been fortunate enough to have resided in many stunning and diverse countries. This is her first novel.
Symphony of Discovery by Cara Mitchell...
Science and mathematics -- the sensuality of the mind's seduction. Discover the passion and eroticism concealed within a quest to reveal the mysteries of everything.
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SYMPHONY OF 'C' VOLUME II by Cara Mitchell...
Following the ebbs and flows of longing warring with jubilation, Cara relives the fury of the battle between her intrinsic nature and the teachings of modern society in her quest ..
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SYMPHONY OF 'C ' by Cara Mitchell...
Flowing in harmony with the anguish and ecstasy warring throughout Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, a young woman relives her extraordinary journey into consensual slavery....
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