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HOME >> Jake Horton Author Bio and Books>>
Jake Horton
Jake Horton a 56 year-old graduate of Rutgers University, lives in Glassboro, New Jersey. His background is in management as well as being on the fringes of the music business, both as a performer in local rock bands and working stage crew for a few big name acts. After MS sidelined him in 1988, he had to find a new outlet for his creativity, so he went back to school while in a wheelchair and graduated from Rutgers University in 1994 to become a writer. His has since been published writing articles for such publications as Demos Publications, Nostalgia Magazine, Quintessence, Naturally Magazine, the Philadelphia Inquirer as well as online in assorted websites. MinX a collaboration with Tony Sacre of Australia, is his first full-length book.
Previously divorced, he was twice made a widower after his most recent wife Linda died of cancer in 2008. He has one grown daughter.
MINX by Cary Stone and Jake Horton...
MinX is the sensational story about life in the fast lane of the world’s female monarchy of rock on their world tour ‘ThinK MinX’. Love, sex, drugs, thugs, tragedy, and a whole lotta soul.
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