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Chris Burrows


Although Chris Burrows was born in England, his family emigrated to the US shortly after his second birthday and it was only when he had just entered his early teens that he returned to the country of his birth.  

During his teens, various trips to Scandinavia, Europe (Holland, Germany and Italy) and, once, to the ‘mysterious’ Far East (as it was when Chris was young), definitely whetted his appetite for travel. Shortly after graduation, Chris was able to secure a job in banking which took him, firstly, to London for a year and then on to Hong Kong.  

Twenty or so years ago, Hong Kong was an ‘eye-opener’ for a young graduate and, initially, Chris struggled to balance the hard working, dynamic, ‘no-holds barred’ environment of Hong Kong’s business world with the burgeoning, eclectic, erotic lifestyle of the night—on the face of it, certainly to a young graduate, far racier compared with some of the tamer things he’d seen in London and elsewhere on his travels.  

Chris was always particularly fascinated by the lesser known aspects of Hong Kong’s nightlife – he went exploring some of the ‘underground’ cabaret type clubs and bars, seeing drag queens and transgender persons and also the less salubrious bars and clubs frequented by many of the young, female Filipinas and Indonesian expats, usually working as domestic helpers. The American military, with their extensive R&R leave in Hong Kong were

beginning to be a thing of the past and bars and clubs were evolving to compensate for the reduction in service personnel visiting the British Colony (as it was then).

Around this time, in view of his enduring love of writing, Chris developed a keen interest in documenting what he was seeing and penned a few articles and short stories––mainly relating to ladies of the night and other creatures who inhabit the twilight world that many suburban people never know about or, when they do, understand. 

Chris had also maintained his penchant for travel and, over his early years in Hong Kong, had taken trips to, amongst other places, Manila, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur plus, of course, Bangkok. To a young man with an established, serious fascination with Asian ladies (and other varieties’ thereof), Asia was the place to be and, after one particularly exciting trip to Manila, Chris made a mental promise to himself that he was not, under any circumstances, going to

live or work back in The West.  

The young, relatively established business professional that he, by now was, had also realised that he was becoming more and more mesmerised by the ‘third sex’ and undertook extensive research into the matter, learning about transgender people in India, Indonesia, The Philippines and several other main countries in the region. He was continually surprised at how the roots of transgenderism could be traced back centuries into ‘old’ societies and how liberal many of the Asian countries were about the idea of gender being non-specific, especially when compared with views held in Europe and the West. Like many other, Chris had always known that homosexuality had been widely practiced and accepted in ancient China, for example, but the extent of transgenderism and it’s tolerance was still revealing to him.  

After a couple of years in Hong Kong, (and many visits to Asian capitals seeing first hand the diversity of the various gender societies), Chris was given the opportunity by the bank for whom he had worked since first arriving in Asia to relocate to Bangkok—he was asked to undertake a regional role which meant, of course, that he could also continue his travel adventures The decision was ‘no contest’ in Chris’ mind and he made his mind up instantly—probably quicker than any other candidate had made a decision in the Bank’s history - primarily to make sure that no-one else had the chance to get the posting instead of him.  

A few months before this opportunity had come along, during one of his regular visits to Bangkok, Chris had met Porn - who was later to become his close friend, flat mate and, to an extent, his mentor on transgender issues.  Porn and Chris had literally bumped into each other in Pattaya, one of Thailand’s top resort destinations, on a fine spring day.

Chris had been standing outside the premises of one of Pattaya’s largest cabaret, and best known, transvestite (or ladyboy) shows admiring some of the billboards, advertising one of the new stars, when Porn had physically collided with him. As usual, she was late for her regular make up sessions with several of the ‘girls’, was talking animatedly on her mobile phone and,

generally, not watching where she was heading.  

After that auspicious start, they had quickly become firm friends and, on one or two occasions, Porn had introduced Chris to some of the real ‘superstars’ of the transvestite cabaret world – and real stars they were, far more sensuous and beautiful than any other women the banker had ever seen.  Chris, needless to say, was enthralled and became friends with a number of the girls, even though his spoken Thai was not fluent at that time.    

Over the first few months of their friendship, Porn had encouraged Chris to explore his own feminine side, always maintaining that every man was part female anyway (and vice versa for women) and he had had several enjoyable sessions with Porn applying make up and dressing him up like a woman – even, two or three times, taking him out and about on the town with her and several of her friends (but that’s another story, to be told at a later time!).  

According to Chris, he has never really been that comfortable being cross dressed, although occasionally still indulges, especially when Porn is instigating it. He views it as ancillary to his fascination and empathy with ladyboys.

Despite spending many years meeting and becoming close friends with a large number of members of the ‘third sex’ Chris has never tired of his drive for knowledge and understanding of this, oft misunderstood, ‘species’. Even now, he still finds many ladyboys unbelievably attractive (in his view, physical perfection personified) a view he shares with thousands upon thousands, if not millions, of other males around the world. Chris has continued his interest in writing and recently penned a series of short stories concerning some of his experiences with ladyboys in Thailand. Needless to say, there are dozens of other stories still to be told, all drawn from his own adventures in Asia.  

Thumbnail for A Transvestite Prostitute Confesses All

A Transvestite Prostitute Confesses All by Chris Burrows... NEW!!

With the continued success of the Confessions of a Transvestite Prostitute books, Chris Burrows has now put together a further collection of tales as related to him by his good friend, Roberta. As with many “girls”, Roberta started her journey as a cross dresser, only gradually realising that she was really Transgender.

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Thumbnail for More Confessions of Transvestite Prostitutes

More Confessions of Transvestite Prostitutes by Chris Burrows...

Finally, a long-awaited sequel to Confessions of a Transvestite Prostitute, the highly successful series of stories about the ‘sexperiences’ of a Transvestite prostitute. Now Chris Burrows has put together a further collection of tales about fascinating ‘ladies’ who started their sexual experiences as a cross dresser, and graduated into the realisation that they are really Transgender. Many go on to end up servicing a variety of paying clients who appreciate the options such ladies can offer. .
Read a great new set of real-life stories of gender confusion, sexual activities and other erotic encounters, and explicit insights into the minds and lifestyles of cross-dressing novices and hardworking Transgender women…..

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Thumbnail for Ladyboys, Ladygirls and Those In-Between

Ladyboys, Ladygirls and Those In-Between by CHRIS BURROWS...

Chris’ Thai visa is due for renewal so he’s back in Bangkok—and somehow Porn talks him into a train trip from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, over 700km away. Sitting together in the gently rocking carriage for hours on end, what better time than to regale each other with some new stories from Transgenderland.

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Thumbnail for Ladyboys and Lovers

Ladyboys and Lovers by CHRIS BURROWS...

Porn’s finally installed Skype and bought a webcam; and who’s her very first ‘contact request’ to? Welcome back to some more tales from ‘Transgenderland’…..this time, come and enjoy even more stirring escapades truthfully related by Porn and Chris; come and enjoy ‘Porn & Me’!

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Thumbnail for Ladyboys Letting Go

Ladyboys Letting Go by CHRIS BURROWS...

Porn's turned up unexpectedly in Hong Kong. Knowing her as he does, Chris suspects she's up to something. But Porn's gone all coy, and rather than talk about her, she thinks it's far more interesting to swap some more stories with Chris about 'Transgenderland'.
Welcome back to some more tales from 'Transgenderland'…

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Thumbnail for Hunting

Hunting by CHRIS BURROWS...

The male of the species has usually been considered as the 'hunter'. Searching, seeking; finding; stalking; consuming, devouring his prey. It's hard to find a guy who's different yet, sometimes, perhaps it works the other way; possibly, unknowingly, the predator becomes the prey…

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Thumbnail for Brown Eyed Girls

Brown Eyed Girls by CHRIS BURROWS...

Some girls have 'it'; sensual…, sexy…, erotic…, demanding…. Some girls simply don't. An 'Interlude' from Chris Burrows, the author of the 'Transgenderland' series of stories--this time eight short, erotic stories about some brown eyed girls, girls who most definitely do have 'it'!

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Thumbnail for PORN'S STARS

PORN'S STARS by Chris Burrows...

Porn's had a minor motorcycle accident and Chris is by her side; what better time to reflect and reminisce about those Ladyboys, Ladygirls and others whose real gender is open to debate--and whose pre-occupation with sex, in all its variations, goes to the very heart of all we live for!
Welcome back to m 'Transgenderland'…. this time, come and meet 'Porn's Stars'!

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Follow the 'sexperiences' of Samantha Colton, a transvestite prostitute--a  dynamic 'lady' who started her sexual life as a cross dresser but ended up servicing a variety of paying clients who appreciated the options she could offer--building her own very successful business in the process.
Read her real life story of gender confusion, sexual activity and other erotic encounters, and her explicit insights into the mind and lifestyle of the hardworking Tranny that she is...

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A TRANNY'S NINE WISHES by Chris Burrows...

All Trannies have their own series of erotic 'wishes'--well, most of them do anyway....
Some wishes may, of course, come to fruition, but most will be too far into the realms of sexual fantasy to ever stand much chance of occurring..

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Thumbnail for CITY OF ANGELS

CITY OF ANGELS by Chris Burrows...

Posted to Bangkok, Chris Burrows, an English banker, takes no time working out where his priorities lie between 'work' and 'play'--and play comes out on top by a mile or so! 
Yet play seems to evolve around Ladyboys ands other 'creatures' of the night, whether it be in the throbbing discos or laid back bars of the City of Angels, or simply having erotic adventures with his newly found companions...

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