LGBTQ Fiction
LGBTQ themes in speculative fiction refer to the incorporation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ) themes into science fiction, fantasy, horror fiction and related genres.[a] Such elements may include an LGBT character as the protagonist or a major character, or explorations of sexuality or gender that deviate from the hetero-cisnormative. (Wikipedia)
NEXUS: How Kevin Ward Became A Spy by Michael Halfhill...
Poor timing, an angry letter, feelings of abandonment and anger split Peter March and his lover Kevin Ward for over a year. Then in Rome the two meet again. Determined to rescue their love, Peter can't or won't let Kevin slip away again.
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A Transvestite Prostitute Confesses All by Chris Burrows...
With the continued success of the Confessions of a Transvestite Prostitute books, Chris Burrows has now put together a further collection of tales as related to him by his good friend, Roberta. As with many “girls”, Roberta started her journey as a cross dresser, only gradually realising that she was really Transgender.
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My 60 Years to Womanhood by Cathy Heart...
When someone has a mismatch of mind and body, it can be a long, hard road to find a way to correct it… but 60 years?
Now that is a LONG time!
Take a ‘slow-burning’ journey to true discovery with Cathy as she comes to terms with the challenges brought about by her gender issues. Over her lifetime she gradually realises that she can no longer fight such issues and there is only really one path to true happiness…
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Lets Take Time To Understand Transgender People by Cathy Heart...
No one truly understands what it means to be transgender the way a Transgender person does?
Given the almost mass hysteria, abhorrent prejudices and persistent biases which are current being promulgated about the Transgender community, there has never been a better time to set aside pre-conceived notions and beliefs and try to really understand Transgender people…
After all, when you peel away the half-truths, myths and lies, it’s clear that Trans people are just like anyone else, people trying to their best in this challenging, often cruel, world.
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Mockingbird by THEODORE MARQUEZ...
When a plane crash claims the lives of Vance Edwards' mother, father and twin sister Vanessa, a door opens which unleashes a secret he now hides behind….
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All Cross Dressers Take Risks by Cathy Heart...
You’ll laugh, you’ll empathise and maybe even cry. Almost all cross dressers will be able to identify with these unique set of, can we call them, adventures? But the book is not only for cross dresses. It’s also for people who want to better understand the cross dressing phenomenon and learn or understand why normally sane, rational (more often than not heterosexual) men like to dress up as woman—with wigs, make-up accessories, the whole range. Then often going out and about (more times than not undetected), meeting others who share their, usually, secret, hidden lives… but with major risks and fear of discovery never far away!
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Ooops! by Cathy Heart...
Life as a cross dresser can be tough. Just ask any cross dresser you know and she’ll tell you all about her trials and tribulations! "Ooops...!" is an entertaining combination of adventures and minor mishaps of such a cross dresser. Some of the 24 "Ooops...!" stories will make you laugh; but many you’ll be able to relate to. Maybe one or two of them have even happened to you!
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More Confessions of Transvestite Prostitutes by Chris Burrows...
Finally, a long-awaited sequel to Confessions of a Transvestite Prostitute, the highly successful series of stories about the ‘sexperiences’ of a Transvestite prostitute. Now Chris Burrows has put together a further collection of tales about fascinating ‘ladies’ who started their sexual experiences as a cross dresser, and graduated into the realisation that they are really Transgender. Many go on to end up servicing a variety of paying clients who appreciate the options such ladies can offer. .
Read a great new set of real-life stories of gender confusion, sexual activities and other erotic encounters, and explicit insights into the minds and lifestyles of cross-dressing novices and hardworking Transgender women…..
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The Loves of Natalie Greenbaum Book III by K.J. McElrath...
The story of Natalie Greenbaum and her family continues as their lives are upended during the Second World War.
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Meretneith's Four by BARBARA ANN CERDA...
200,000 years to bring to reality the four beautiful monsters the grandchildren of the Protectress.
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Red Fog by KENNETH KING...
A forensic criminologist, a writer, and a ninety-three year old former courtesan, join forces to resolve the life and death mysteries of a murdered hermaphrodite hooker.
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The Sex Slaves of Rajikistan by JOHN OUTRAM...
Rajikistan, a mythical country in the Caucuses Region of Central Asia, was once a part of the Soviet Union. Rich in gas and oil it is ruled by a despotic President, self-declared as President for Life, who controls everything in the country. His insatiable lust for sex is a psychotic weakness that creates a situation involving innocent women in a dangerous adventure.
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The Missionary's Wife by K.J. McELRATH...
"In the 1920s, Helena, an innocent and tortured girl from a farm in Kansas, struggles with her own desires as well as her fear of a vengeful God. She soon learns that neither threats of eternal damnation nor promises of heavenly rewards can truly change who she is... "
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Josette My Sodden Angel by CAROL ANN...
Josette a raw southern girl, trailer trash, transcends her past to become world's most highly paid concubine and geisha. Josette is an orchid with the tensile strength of iron…
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The Loves of Natalie Greenbaum Book II by K.J. McElrath...
Big Band singer, wife, mother and lesbian – continues against the backdrop of a world hurtling into the most violent conflict in history, leading to events that will change her life and those of everyone around her forever.
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Ladyboys, Ladygirls and Those In-Between by CHRIS BURROWS...
Chris’ Thai visa is due for renewal so he’s back in Bangkok—and somehow Porn talks him into a train trip from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, over 700km away. Sitting together in the gently rocking carriage for hours on end, what better time than to regale each other with some new stories from Transgenderland.
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Ladyboys and Lovers by CHRIS BURROWS...
Porn’s finally installed Skype and bought a webcam; and who’s her very first ‘contact request’ to? Welcome back to some more tales from ‘Transgenderland’…..this time, come and enjoy even more stirring escapades truthfully related by Porn and Chris; come and enjoy ‘Porn & Me’!
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Ladyboys Letting Go by CHRIS BURROWS...
Porn's turned up unexpectedly in Hong Kong. Knowing her as he does, Chris suspects she's up to something. But Porn's gone all coy, and rather than talk about her, she thinks it's far more interesting to swap some more stories with Chris about 'Transgenderland'. Welcome back to some more tales from 'Transgenderland'…
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Meretneith by BARBARA ANN CERDA...
A 5,000-year-old female warrior known among her kind as the Protectress, Meretneith covertly leads the remnants of a civilization destroyed by catastrophic land shifts.
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The Loves of Natalie Greenbaum Book I by K.J. McElrath...
Nearing the end of her long existence, ninety-four year old Natalie Greenbaum -- a former Big Band Era singer, a single mother and a lesbian -- reflects on her life, the people she has loved and the struggles and triumphs of being herself during times when homosexuality was considered a form of mental illness and criminal behaviour.
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Fade To Black by JOHN OUTRAM...
Successful, wealthy Canadian, Hilton Christopher has two passions in life, sailing and beautiful women, one of which leads him into the darkest and most frightening chapter of his life...
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Heart's Desire by DEIDRE DALTON...
Shannon's son Jamie Page begins to understand his lifelong yearnings but fears his family will never accept them. His first love affair with a nefarious character nearly costs his life, but brings to light his hidden desires. Happiness continues to elude the family, as if a dark shadow of evil has settled over the family estate.
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Bring on The Phantoms by KENNETH KING...
A blackmailed Governor, a glamorous and witty transsexual cabaret star, and an unrelenting investigative reporter explode the secrets and mysteries behind 9/11 and gender politics.
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The Hunt Part 2 - Winter in July by THEODORE MARQUEZ...
Life for Tony De Santos has taken a deadly turn at the hands of a Denver serial killer known as The Butcher. Bitter and hate-filled, he sets out on a seemingly inescapable path to avenge his male lover.
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A WORM IN EDEN by W. Richard St. James...
NEW EDITION!! The Seedlings, an experiment by earthlings in another galaxy, learn that their only currency for survival as they are marked for termination, is their bodies...
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The Hunt Part 1 -- Echoes From the Dark by Theodore Marquez...
A killer known as 'The Butcher', is terrorizing Denver. His targets are thought to be Hispanic-white, gay couples in the beginning… That was until Jack Webber a single white man shows up butchered like the others.
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THE LADY OF l'AIGLE by Patrick M. Henry...
A transgender awakening in Paris during World War II....
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THE DESCENT by W. Richard St. James...
On Halloween night Tom, a stay at home father. meets a beautiful stranger, Karina. Her bargain with him is simple -- she will do anything and everything for him, but he must be willing and able to do the same for her powerful, mysterious husband...
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A bisexual hack writer sells a script to Charlie's Angel and is invited to snort cocaine with Robin Doe, the newest angel, when the two-person party crashed by a star-struck lesbian cop. To avoid being busted-they kill the cop, mince and dice the corpse and make it mulch for the actresse's garden...
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A TRANNY'S NINE WISHES by Chris Burrows...
All Trannies have their own series of erotic 'wishes'--well, most of them do anyway.... Some wishes may, of course, come to fruition, but most will be too far into the realms of sexual fantasy to ever stand much chance of occurring..
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Follow the 'sexperiences' of Samantha Colton, a transvestite prostitute--a dynamic 'lady' who started her sexual life as a cross dresser but ended up servicing a variety of paying clients who appreciated the options she could offer--building her own very successful business in the process. Read her real life story of gender confusion, sexual activity and other erotic encounters, and her explicit insights into the mind and lifestyle of the hardworking Tranny that she is...
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CITY OF ANGELS by Chris Burrows...
Posted to Bangkok, Chris Burrows, an English banker, takes no time working out where his priorities lie between 'work' and 'play'--and play comes out on top by a mile or so! Yet play seems to evolve around Ladyboys ands other 'creatures' of the night, whether it be in the throbbing discos or laid back bars of the City of Angels, or simply having erotic adventures with his newly found companions...
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SLAVES OF LOVE by Stephen B. Pearl...
In a 22nd Century world, everyone is physically perfect, homogenized and have been conditioned by the age of ten against violence... However, but one man, a cop who has been implanted with an artificial sociopathic personality remains immune to that conditioning....
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THE HOLLOW CURSE by Stephen B. Pearl...
Ben and Alysia are the current incarnations of soul mates cursed, in a previous life, to be separated by a gulf of years and social norms until they fully accept their love, share a lifetime, and raise a child together. The book follows them through some of their incarnations and shows how the spirit that now inhabits Dorry, Alysia's college girlfriend, who was the originator of the curse in a previous incarnation, has hounded them through life after life....
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PORN'S STARS by Chris Burrows...
Porn's had a minor motorcycle accident and Chris is by her side; what better time to reflect and reminisce about those Ladyboys, Ladygirls and others whose real gender is open to debate--and whose pre-occupation with sex, in all its variations, goes to the very heart of all we live for! Welcome back to m 'Transgenderland'…. this time, come and meet 'Porn's Stars'!
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