I’M NOT A LAWYER OR A DOCTOR. I know way more than they do. I’m a drunk, and like most drunks, I like to rant. This book is designed to take an in-depth look at the world around you, along with some random drunk shit.
Each section is called a ‘discussion’ because each section is a conversation I had with other drunks while we were...well...drunk. Our eyes were open, and we were able to articulate the deeper aspects of our existence, thanks to cases of liquid smarts.
Pay attention because what I’m about to tell you is how I felt when I thought of it. Who knows, tomorrow, I could be on some other shit, just like you. Everything I rant about is my own opinion and should be weighed in on its own merits, just like everything else, compliment or not. But trust me, having another point of view will undoubtedly help. And who is more knowledgeable about the ills of the world than a drunk?
Thicken up your skin because I do plan on insulting you over the next few discussions. So, grab your cup and let’s begin.
Admit it, damn it; you’re confused. You’re trying to understand the world around you and coming up empty. You, like everyone else, are lost. You’ve been looking to religion, money, love, and still, you come up short-handed.
While you’re reading, do not talk to anyone, not even your mother.
In case my words get slurred, I will infuse discussions with random drunken thoughts and drunken definitions to help you better understand where I’m coming from. Take another drink. It might help.