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HOME >> Product 0661 >> Not Quite A Hermit>>

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Not Quite A Hermit

R. Richard

Jim Dial is living the life of an armed hermit. Jianna, the daughter of an economically powerful man, comes to talk to him. Jim explains that a manager from his ex employer has sent goons after him.

Jim effects an alliance with the economically powerful man, solves their joint economic problems and then sets out to win Jianna.






8905 Words





Cover Art:

R. Richard


W. Richard St. James


R. Richard

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I get an alarm from my front gate monitoring system. I turn on the audio part of the system and I hear a woman’s voice. The woman wants to talk to me. I turn on the video part of the system. The video part of the system shows me a well-dressed young woman standing in front of a newish BMW automobile.

I ask the woman: “What it is that you want of me?”

The woman says that she wants to talk with me about ‘some situations.’

I sigh, “My most pressing situation is that there are a lot of people who want to kill me and for a variety of reasons.”

“My name is Jianna Savoy. I have no gun, no knife, no poison.”

My metal scanning part of the system, shows no gun, no big knife.

“Jianna, your Savoy family is opposed to The Lozenge Corporation. The Lozenge Corporation, mostly one Ricky at The Lozenge Corporation, is still a major problem for me. Perhaps our interests lie in the same direction. If our interests lie in the same direction, perhaps it will be useful for us to talk. However, no tricks. You may drive your fancy car up to the top of the driveway loop. Then come and ring my doorbell.”

I then cause my front gate to open.

The lady gets into her fancy BMW automobile and drives up to the top of the driveway loop. Then she gets out of her car, walks to my front door and rings the doorbell.

I have done a scan of the area and I detect no danger. I have closed the front gate. I greet the lady, have her don indoor shoes and then I welcome her into my house.

I get the lady settled on a couch, opposite my big chair.

“I was hired by The Lozenge Corporation as a project manager. I worked hard and smart. I did some nice things for The Lozenge Corporation. I was then replaced, as project manager, without notice, by Ricky’s boy. Due to some of my financial concerns, at the time, I stayed on and worked for Ricky’s boy at The Lozenge Corporation. As a reward for my hard work, I was to be exiled to a desert field site, by Ricky’s boy, on just above bread and water wages. I quit my slave job at The Lozenge Corporation. Ricky’s boy ran the project, that I developed, into the ground and then Ricky wanted me to come back and recover the project, on a salary of two bowls of gruel per day. I politely declined Ricky’s offer and continued to work for a competitor of The Lozenge Corporation. Ricky then fired his project manager boy and sent goons after me. The first two The Lozenge Corporation attack goons wound up as cripples, for the rest of their lives. The second two The Lozenge Corporation attack goons wound up as paraplegics, for the rest of their lives. Ricky then put out a contract on me. The goon who killed me would earn a hundred thousand dollars. I then retreated to the sanctuary of my castle here, (I wave my hands about me to indicate my whole house.) I now live here, making my living by trading stocks and also by leasing mathematical computer routines, for tactical computers, to the United States government.”

“I am aware of your general situation. Since you make enough to finance a nice life style, by just trading stocks, we are surprised that you still lease mathematical computer routines, for tactical computers, to the United States government.”

I state to the lady, “I’m a computer programmer, at base level. I use my math and computer programming skills to trade stocks, develop mathematical computer routines and also to do a few other things.”

“You have a robot that keeps your lawn trimmed and even nicely edged. You apparently have defensive robots that will destroy any who try to invade your property here.”

“I also have a floor sweeper robot that keeps my floors here clean. I do mop my floors, on a regular schedule, but my floor sweeper robot is my first line of dirt and dust defense.”

“You use robots, instead of human servants.”

“When I have humans trying to kill me, I prefer robot servants.”

“Apparently, your problems really started when you went to work for The Lozenge Corporation.”

“The Lozenge Corporation is a very political operation that values electronic engineers and politicians, above all else. The politicians sell products and/or services, where the products and/or services are still mostly developed by electronic engineers. The growing need for computer programmers does not sit well with The Lozenge Corporation people. I’m a computer programmer.”

“Why would The Lozenge Corporation mistreat you, when your work was making money for The Lozenge Corporation?”

“I was appointed project manager for what was essentially just a computer project. I developed the computer routines necessary to do the contract work. In the process,

I discovered basic flaws in the high-level design and I suggested modifications that would overcome the flaws. I sold my modifications to the customer. I was even doing most of the customer interface. The politicians who attempted to take over the customer interface were shot down by the customer. The situation was apparently more than Ricky could bear. So Ricky replaced me with Matt, without notice. Matt was just a politician. I didn’t want to work for Matt, so I managed to find another job. While I was looking for another job, Ricky sicced a goon on me. The goon tried to, and I quote, ‘Shake some sense into Jim Dial’, unquote. Goon boy tried it in front of a surveillance camera. They carried goon boy out of the place. While The Lozenge Corporation was in the process of firing me, Ricky sicced two more goons on me. The two goons got in each others way and they had to ride in an ambulance to the hospital. Of course, I got fired, from my job at The Lozenge Corporation, but I did find another job.”

“It sounds pretty violent.”

“Well, the physical violence didn’t work, so Rickey tried political violence, telling other companies not to hire me. Just in case you are not aware, telling employers not to hire a worker is a very serious violation of the law, with lifetime damages a possibility. My lawyers sued The Lozenge Corporation for a lot of money, because of Ricky’s actions. Separately, my lawyers sued The Lozenge Corporation for the goon attacks. My lawyers got me and my lawyers a lot of damages money from The Lozenge Corporation.”

“So, you no longer had to work for a living.”





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