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Ray Johnson
Born in Fullerton California. Graduated from Fullerton Union High School. Attended California Baptist College for two years before entering the military. At California Baptist College I was captain of the basketball team. Received a commission from the US Army while stationed at Ft. Benning, Georgia. Served as an Army Officer with a commission in armor. Assigned to the Third Battalion, 32nd Armored Regiment, stationed at St. Stewart, Georgia. While stationed at Ft. Stewart I was captain of the Third Army basketball team. Upon leaving the army, served in Law Enforcement as a deputy in the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. Attended Fresno State University, graduating with a BA in English and then did graduate work in History. My 4.0 GPA allowed me to be a member of the Phi Alpha Theta Society, national chapter. My first novel, The In Vitro Madonna, was published in Europe. Most recently served as the Director of a non-profit agency in Fresno, California. The mission of the non-profit organization was to find employment for people with developmental disabilities.
Night Time by Ray Johnson...
1850 - The angry warriors of the Crow war party unleased two arrows at the remaining Northern Cheyenne, one male, one female. One arrow for cowardice, the second for retribution. The cowardice arrow was for Dancing Moon’s husband, who was running away. The retribution arrow was for Dancing Moon, who had killed two of their braves with her bow. The cowardice arrow shattered the husband’s spine, dropping him in a crumpled heap. The retribution arrow pierced Dancing Moon’s heart. First the pain, then the darkness. The ethereal darkness was short lived. Dancing Moon found herself overlooking the Death Valley of the Northern Cheyenne. She was talking with the She-Manitou, Manitou’s angel. The She-Manitou was telling her about a handsome rich man who lived in Beverly Hills in California. The She-Manitou said the man was tall, handsome and as brave as a Cheyenne Dog Soldier. Why? Why was the She-Manitou telling her about this man?
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Kill The Lama by Ray Johnson...
What kind of criminal organization would kidnap a lama? The lamas take vows of poverty and have nothing except their robes and sandals. Yet Lama Namsray had been abducted in the heavy fog after landing at San Fransisco International Airport. A ransom demand was made for an excessive amount. If not paid, the lama would be killed. Jake Striker, an American attorney, represented the mysterious religious order that sequestered their ancient lamasery in a hidden valley protected by Mt. Bayaskhulangtu. Rumours of gold swirled around the Lamasery, like the frigid night wind of the steppes reeling around a ger. The Grand Regent and the Great Lord of the Tu Tung ordered Jake to rescue Lama Namsray and to untie this kidnapping Gordian Knot.
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War Paint by Ray Johnson...
In 1875 a beautiful Native American woman named Nina-te dies one night. Instead of going to the Spirit Forest, captivating and wraith-like She-Manitou tells her that she is going be transported to the modern world with a real husband who would love her….
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The Merry Go Round by Ray Johnson...
The town is small, so the carnival that comes every year is usually small, with a small Ferris wheel and a small merry-go-round. But this year’s carnival has a huge merry-go-round, with six horses in a row, rather than three. The merry-go-round looks brand new, with immaculate fixtures: Flawless horses, some rearing, others snorting, still other racing with flying manes. The brass is polished and the mirrors are sparkling clean. Every child, and many young people, want to ride on the fabulous merry-go-round. People, young and old, buy tickets and get in line to get on the merry go round…never knowing that none of them will ever get off….
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Paid In Full by Ray Johnson...
A homeless man sits on the ground near a Catholic Church, hoping for coins in his tin cup. Instead of quarters, a man in an overcoat blasts his ankle off with a shotgun. A woman, looking for a new husband, is raped, sodomized and hospitalized by an unknown assailant. These two, and as yet unknown others, are paying for hurtful things they did while in high school. Acts that they perpetrated on other students that traumatized the victims for life. Someone is paying them back after the twenty-year reunion. Who is this fellow alumni who feels that twenty years was not too long to wait for retribution? Even more important, who would be next?
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The Devil's Lighthouse by Ray Johnson...
The Devil’s Tower, a slender rock column soared 175 feet above the angry Norwegian Sea. On top of the Devil’s Tower was the Devil’s Lighthouse. The names for the tower and lighthouse were bestowed with good reason. The ghost who haunted the lighthouse was grappling with the light keeper who was fighting for his life, wrestling with an opponent that he could not even see. The battle raged on the narrow walkway that surrounded the rotating light. The ghost, as always, won the life and death battle and flung the lightkeeper over the railing, his body crashing on the craggy rocks 175 feet below. Aaron Jurgen, assuming the ghost stories were nothing more than campfire tales, purchased the rock column and the lighthouse. No one bothered to tell him that the Devil still owned both.
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Vermillion Vampire by Ray Johnson...
Ginger St. Johns had three enviable qualities: she was beautiful, with a shape like a super model, she was incredibly intelligent and she was a true redhead. One of those qualities was in high demand worldwide. She had moved out of Jud’s condo, ostensibly to save his life. Her current boyfriend was not only a bad lover, but as exciting as a chess match on Monday night in Slovenia. He had a conniption when she told him she was going on a cruise to the Mediterranean on a two hundred and fifty million dollar world-class yacht. She was too smart to leave on a cruise with a seventy year old Indonesian billionaire or a hyper rich older Japanese businessman. But the owner of the yacht was Italian, thirty-five, nouveau riche, and four other women were also going on the cruise. She reasoned, “What could possibly go wrong?”
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The Zoroastrian Murders by Ray Johnson...
The Zoroastrian High Priest had a religion-altering vision. Because of the vision, he is murdered. The Iranian Secret Police also murdered the High Priest’s wife, a Priestess. Only one person who is connected to the vision is left alive, the High Priest’s incredibly beautiful daughter. The daughter, Anahita, is smuggled out of Iran and brought surreptitiously to Los Angeles by members of the faith. But her life remains in danger as other religions see the fulfillment of the vision as a clear and present danger. She must be stopped, no matter the cost.
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The Changjai Lama's Gold by Ray Johnson...
A young man, who has never been with a woman, a beautiful young wife, whose predatory husband is obsessed with gold, and shining gold bars. Add forbidden fruit to the equation and you have an explosive mixture, a golden compound where someone is bound to be killed when the inevitable blast occurs. The young man knows the location and source of the gold. If the young wife seducing him will not loosen his tongue, then torture will. A test of wills between a young man who wants to protect the source of the gold and an unscrupulous husband who will go to any lengths to discover the location.
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Murder At The Changjai Lamasery by Ray Johnson...
Gold, the shiny metal that glistens in streams and mines, has the ability to turn honest men into thieves, to turn dedicated Generals into murderers. The General’s friend had a sports car, a new home and a beautiful Russian mistress that stopped traffic in Ulaanbaatar. The General had a used car, an older home and a chubby wife. Only gold could widen the gap in the lifestyles of the two men. The General was willing to do whatever it took to get his hands on the gold, including murder.
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Blood Of The Gypsy by Ray Johnson...
If a tree falls in the forest, and no one sees or hears it, does it really happen. If a werewolf kills a gang lieutenant in a dark alley in Los Angeles, and no one sees the killing, does it actually happen. The tree is real, but a werewolf is nothing more than legend. The throat being ripped out, the blood, the gore, the fang and claw marks, cannot be real because no one saw the killing. After satiating the need for blood, the werewolf slipped silently into the black of night, secure in the knowledge that no one would believe what their eyes were telling them. Werewolves were only imaginary.
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100 Meter Ghost by Ray Johnson...
Out of a spectral fog slips most beautiful yacht ever constructed, 100 meters of decadent luxury. The wraithlike fog is not caused by weather, but by the yacht itself, and anyone that tries to get close to it meets with a violent death and destruction….
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Fullerton, California, Graduated, Baptist College, military, captain, basketball team, commission, US Army, Ft. Benning, Georgia, Army Officer, armor,Third Battalion, 32nd Armored Regiment, Law Enforcement, deputy, Orange County Sheriff’s Department, Fresno State University, English, History. Phi Alpha Theta Society, novel, The In Vitro Madonna, published, Europe, Director, non-profit agency, mission, organization, employment,people, developmental disabilities.
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