I HAVE TAKEN OVER the house and the sorcery operation of my deceased Uncle Allos. I obtained Uncle Allos’ grimoire and a legendary sword, called ‘The Sword of Light’ (although that is not the name of the sword.) I have also obtained a ring of very powerful magic. Via negotiations with demons, who live in their magical worlds, I have obtained large amounts of legal tender currency. I am now a rich man. I have obtained a woman for me, from a female sorcerer. The woman came containing some very nasty spells. (Dealing with sorcerers from the magical worlds always comes at the risk of my life.) I have used my magical ring and some sorcerer spells to remove the worst of the spells installed into my woman, by the female sorcerer. In the process of removing the worst of the spells installed into my woman by the female sorcerer, I have learned a lot about the female sorcerer. The female sorcerer is not all that skilled, and she involved another sorcerer in her treachery. The other sorcerer is powerful but left magical traces. I will deal with the female sorcerer and the other sorcerer, but in my own time.
I obtained a legendary sword, called ‘The Sword of Light.’ (The actual name of The Sword of Light is a magical name that can’t be written in other than a sorcerer language.) Uncle Allos found the Sword of Light and managed to escape with the sword, after a running battle with another sorcerer. The other sorcerer was named Savatin. It seems very likely that Savatin expected me to attack him, but I waited until Savatin attacked me and then killed at least the body of Savatin. (Killing the body of a sorcerer does not necessarily kill all of the sorcerer.)
The sword of light isn’t quite a living thing. However, The Sword of Light is a sword. I train with The Sword of Light, on a day by day basis and I also used The Sword of Light in combat, against demons. In the process of training and combat, I have become a part of The Sword of Light and The Sword of Light has become a part of me.
(Exactly how The Sword of Light was created and by whom is unknown to me and perhaps even to The Sword of Light.)
One day my Sword of Light tells me that I must physically enter the magical world where the demons live. The Sword of Light is from the magical world where the demons live. If I must physically enter the magical world, I can protect myself with a spell of invisibility, but I apparently must enter the magical world where the demons live.